// $_GET Data

// Controller
public function getSearch()
		$input = Request::all();

		if ( empty( $input ) )
			return $this->view( 'matchmaker::search/search-results' );
			$applications = $this->applicant->search( $input )->with( 'applicant', 'applicant.interviews' )->get();

			return $this->view( 'matchmaker::search/search-results', compact( [ 'applications' ] ) );

// Repository
public function search( $request )
		$results = $this->application->search( $request['q'] );

		foreach ( array_except( $request, [ 'q', 'sort' ] ) as $key => $value )
			if ( isset( $value ) )
				$method = 'scope' . ucfirst( $key );

				if ( method_exists( $this->model, $method ) )
					$results->{$key}( $request[ $key ] );

		return $results;

// Model
public function scopeSearch( $query, $search )
		// Handle any search term parameters
		$params = explode( ",", $search );

		return $query->where( function ( $q ) use ( $params )
			foreach ( $params as $param )
				$q->where( 'company', 'LIKE', "%" . $param . "%" )
				  ->orWhere( 'page_title', 'LIKE', "%" . $param . "%" )
				  ->orWhereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $param )
					  $q->where( DB::raw( 'CONCAT(LOWER(TRIM(fname)), LOWER(TRIM(surname)))' ), 'LIKE', "%" . strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '', $param ) ) . "%" );
				  } );
		} );

         * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Method sorts the (attempts to) collection
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public function scopeSort( $query, $orderBy )
		if ( $orderBy == 'dob' )
			return $query->orderBy( 'applicant.dob' );
		elseif ( $orderBy = 'created_at' )
			return $query->orderBy( 'created_at', 'desc' );
			return $query->orderBy( 'applicant.surname' );

	public function scopeCreated( $query, $date )
		if ( $date != '' )
			return $query->where( 'created_at', '>=', Carbon::createFromFormat( 'd/m/Y', $date )->format( 'Y-m-d' ) . ' 00:00:00' );

	public function scopeMaxAge( $query, $maxAge )
		if ( $maxAge != '' )
			return $query->whereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $maxAge )
				$q->hasDob()->where( 'dob', '>=', Carbon::now()->subYears( $maxAge + 1 ) );
			} );

	public function scopeMinAge( $query, $minAge )
		if ( $minAge != '' )
			return $query->whereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $minAge )
				$q->hasDob()->where( 'dob', '<=', Carbon::now()->subYears( $minAge ) );
			} );

	public function scopePics( $query, $pics )
		// Only returns learners that have been on PICS
		if ( $pics == 'true' )
			return $query->whereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $pics )
				$q->whereNotNull( 'client_id' )->where( 'client_id', '>', 0 );
			} );

		// Return everyone except learners on PICS
		if ( $pics == 'false' )
			return $query->whereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $pics )
				$q->where( 'client_id', 0 );
			} );

	public function scopePostTown( $query, $town )
		if ( $town != 'All' )
			return $query->whereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $town )
				$q->hasDob()->where( 'postTown', $town );
			} );

	public function scopeStatus( $query, $status )
		if ( $status != '' )
			return $query->whereHas( 'applicant', function ( $q ) use ( $status )
				$q->where( 'contact_status_id', $status );
			} );

	public function scopeGroup( $query, $group )
		if ( $group == 'email' )
			return $query->groupBy( 'email' );

Please note that all pasted data is publicly available.