The routes to my site. I'm not seeing any collision that could be caused. If you see something, I would love to know.

+--------+------------------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------+----------------+-----------                                                             ----+
| Domain | URI                                      | Name       | Action                          | Before Filters | After Filt                                                             ers |
+--------+------------------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------+----------------+-----------                                                             ----+
|        | GET|HEAD /                               |            | Closure                         |                |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal                          |            | portalController@index          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/login                    |            | LoginController@index           |                |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/logout                   |            | LoginController@destroy         |                |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/store                        |            | LoginController@store           |                |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/account                  | acct       | Closure                         |                |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/account/change               | acctChange | Closure                         |                |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/email/{id}               |            | portalController@getEmail       | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/text/{id}                |            | portalController@getText        | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/queue             |            | elertController@queue           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/groups            |            | elertController@groups          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/delete/{id}       |            | elertController@destroy         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/delete/queue/{id} |            | elertController@destroyQueue    | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/copy/{id}         |            | elertController@copy            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/edit/{id}         |            | elertController@edit            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts/add               |            | elertController@index           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/elerts                   |            | elertController@all             | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/demand                   |            | demandController@index          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/demand/report            |            | demandController@report         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/demand/groups            |            | demandController@groups         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/demand/messages          |            | demandController@messages       | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/demand/queue             |            | demandController@queue          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/demand/queue/del/{id}    |            | demandController@destroy        | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/report/appointment       |            | reportController@appointment    | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/report/health            |            | reportController@health         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/report/collection        |            | reportController@collection     | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/upload                   |            | fileController@index            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/upload/queue             |            | fileController@queue            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/upload/del/{id}          |            | fileController@destroy          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/settings                 |            | userController@index            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/settings/msg/del/{id}    |            | userController@destroy          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | GET|HEAD portal/settings/sendsms/{num}   |            | userController@sendsms          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/mdpsave             |            | userController@storeMdp         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/sendtestprotocol    |            | userController@sendstagesms     | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/sendemail           |            | userController@sendemail        | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/phdel               |            | userController@phdestroy        | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/phsave              |            | userController@phsave           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/cronsave            |            | userController@cronsave         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/message/new         |            | userController@newMsg           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/phnotify            |            | userController@phNotify         | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/phget               |            | userController@phType           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/search                       |            | portalController@contact_search | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/map/report                   |            | reportController@map            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/demand/save                  |            | demandController@store          | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/demand/sendto                |            | demandController@send           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/elerts/quicksave/{id}        |            | elertController@quicksave       | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/elerts/save                  |            | elertController@store           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/elerts/groups/save           |            | elertController@addgroup        | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/elerts/groups/save/{id}      |            | elertController@addgroup        | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/settings/save                |            | userController@store            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/upload/create                |            | fileController@create           | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/upload/addappt               |            | fileController@store            | auth.log       |                                                                            |
|        | POST portal/upload/clearqueue            |            | fileController@clear_queue      | auth.log       |                                                                            |

Please note that all pasted data is publicly available.