
use Illuminate\Hashing\HasherInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserProviderInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;

class CachedEloquentUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface {

	 * The hasher implementation.
	 * @var \Illuminate\Hashing\HasherInterface
	protected $hasher;

	 * The Eloquent user model.
	 * @var string
	protected $model;

	 * Create a new database user provider.
	 * @param HasherInterface $hasher
	 * @param                 $model
	public function __construct(HasherInterface $hasher, $model)
		$this->model = $model;
		$this->hasher = $hasher;

	 * Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
	 * @param  mixed  $identifier
	 * @return \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface|null
	public function retrieveById($identifier)
		$model = $this->createModel();

		return Cache::remember('userById_' . $identifier, 60,
			            function () use ($model, $identifier) {

				            return $model->newQuery()->find($identifier);

	 * Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
	 * @param  mixed  $identifier
	 * @param  string  $token
	 * @return \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface|null
	public function retrieveByToken($identifier, $token)
		$model = $this->createModel();

		return Cache::remember('userByIdAndToken_' . $identifier . $token, 60,
			            function () use ($model, $identifier, $token) {

				            return $model->newQuery()
				                         ->where($model->getKeyName(), $identifier)
				                         ->where($model->getRememberTokenName(), $token)

	 * Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
	 * @param  \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface  $user
	 * @param  string  $token
	 * @return void
	public function updateRememberToken(UserInterface $user, $token)


	 * Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
	 * @param  array  $credentials
	 * @return \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface|null
	public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials)
		// First we will add each credential element to the query as a where clause.
		// Then we can execute the query and, if we found a user, return it in a
		// Eloquent User "model" that will be utilized by the Guard instances.
		$query = $this->createModel()->newQuery();

		foreach ($credentials as $key => $value)
			if ( ! str_contains($key, 'password')) $query->where($key, $value);

		return $query->first();

	 * Validate a user against the given credentials.
	 * @param  \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface  $user
	 * @param  array  $credentials
	 * @return bool
	public function validateCredentials(UserInterface $user, array $credentials)
		$plain = $credentials['password'];

		return $this->hasher->check($plain, $user->getAuthPassword());

	 * Create a new instance of the model.
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
	public function createModel()
		$class = '\\'.ltrim($this->model, '\\');

		return new $class;


// app/start/global.php

// ...

	    function ($app) {
		    $model = $app['config']['auth.model'];

		    return new CachedEloquentUserProvider($app['hash'], $model);


// app/config/auth.php


// ...

'driver' => 'cachedEloquent',


Please note that all pasted data is publicly available.