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Last updated 2 years ago.

you are doing way to much. It is quite simple actually.

I am assuming

$pbUserTable = User::where('email', '=', $pbloginEmail)->first();

$pbUserTable is the User Object of the logged in user.

say you have a column on your user table called login_number

All you would have to do is, upon successful login, run the following


will automatically add +1 to whatever the content is of that column. On your DB schema set a default of 0 on that column.


Thanks @Kryptonit3 for the support but i added your solution to my code. i still got some error.

This is my code for the controller.

public function login(){
	$pblogin = Input::all(); // Unique value for validation
	$pbloginEmail = Input::get('email');
	$pbloginPassword = Input::get('password');

	// check if user has confirmed his/her email... 
	$pbuser = User::where('email', '=', $pbloginEmail)->first();
	$pbuserid = $pbuser->id;

	//echo "User id". $pbuserid;

	if (Auth::attempt(array('email' => $pbloginEmail, 'password' => $pbloginPassword)))
		$pbUserTable = User::where('email', '=', $pbloginEmail)->first();
		$pb_user_name = $pbUserTable->name;
		$pb_user_name_saved = Session::put('pb_user_name',$pb_user_name);
		$pb_user_email_saved = Session::put('pb_user_email',$pbloginEmail);

		//save the incremental number of logins.

		$number_of_login = new Numberoflogins;
		$per_user_login = Numberoflogins::where('user_id', '=', $pbuserid)->count();
		$existingRow = Numberoflogins::where('user_id', '=', $pbuserid);
		$login_times = $number_of_login->no_of_logins;

		echo "login_times" . "=" . $login_times;

		if ( $per_user_login == 0 ) {
			// insert data...
			$login_times = $number_of_login->no_of_logins;

			$number_of_logins = new Numberoflogins;
			$number_of_logins->user_id = $pbuserid;
			// update data...
			/*$number_of_logins = $existingRow;
			$number_of_logins->user_id = $pbuserid;
			$number_of_logins->no_of_logins = $login_times + 1;*/
			$Member = User::where('email', '=', $pbloginEmail)->first();
			$Member->user_id = $pbuserid;
			$Member->increment('no_of_logins'); // your sollution

		Session::put('session_email', $pbloginEmail);
		//return Redirect::intended('dashboard'); 

		return Redirect::to('/login')-> with('message', 'Your username or password combination was incorrect');

The error it produced.

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'no_of_logins' in 'field list' (SQL: update `users` set `no_of_logins` = `no_of_logins` + 1, `updated_at` = 2015-02-19 17:31:35 where `id` = 5)

Please help @Kryptonit3


what table is the login count stored in? and what is it's column name?


@Kryptonit3 Table: number_of_logins with three colums id, user_id, no_of_logins with laravel timestamps.

Last updated 9 years ago.

you can delete that table and relation completely. All you need to do is add a column to the user(users) table called no_of_logins with a default of 0. Based on your code you want to check if user has confirmed email (account) so I would recommend adding a confirmed column to your user(users) table as well with a default of 0.


Then your authentication code should look like this

public function login(){

	$rules = [
		'email' => 'required|exists:users',
		'password' => 'required'
	$input = Input::only('email', 'password');
	$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
		return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
	$credentials = [
		'email' => Input::get('email'),
		'password' => Input::get('password')
	// check if user is authentic
	$valid = Auth::validate($credentials);
	if ( ! $valid)
		return Redirect::back()
					'message' => 'We were unable to sign you in. Incorrect email/password combination!'
	// user is valid, lets check a few things
	$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->first();
	$isConfirmed = $user->confirmed;
	// check if user has confirmed their account
	if ( ! $isConfirmed )
		return Redirect::back()
					'message' => 'You must confirm your account before you can use our site!'
	// it appears as though this user has provided the correct
	// email and password combination and their account has
	// been confirmed so let us increase their no_of_logins count
	// and login the user
	// +1
	// Store your session variables
	// incase you decide to use 'Remember me?' checkbox on login
	$remember = Input::get('remember');
	// login the user
	// redirect to the page they were trying to view, or redirect to index
	return Redirect::intended('/');
	// Use this if you want to redirect to a named route instead
	// return Redirect::intended(route('home'));


here is a good email verification tutorial you can implement to make users verify their emails before being able to use your site

P.S. - you will then be able to access the users number of logins two ways.

  1. through a User Object
$user = User::find($userId);
$no_of_logins = $user->no_of_logins;
  1. or directly with the Auth user
$no_of_logins = Auth::user()->no_of_logins;
Last updated 9 years ago.

Thanks @Kryptonit3 for the support in relation to the sollution you posted, i injected your code (login function) to my code. it is working but it depends on another controller EmailConfirmationController to set the $user->confirmed = 1; so that the login can check if it is confirmed from your code. but the issue i have is that it is not setting the confirmed column to 1. so that the user can be logged in. This is my code

class EmailConfirmationController extends \BaseController {
* Registration manages the confirmation link sent to the users 
* who registered for the first time.
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* @method confirm string 

public function confirm($confirmation_code)
	 * Check for confirmation link with code in the database 
	 * if true set the confirmation code field to null and 
	 * the confirmed feild to 1 then redirect to login page
	 * else redirect them to login with error message.

	if( $confirmed_code = Emailconfirmation::where('confirmation_code', '=', $confirmation_code)->first() ){
		$user_id = $confirmed_code->user_id;
		$confirmed_code->user_id = $user_id; 
		$confirmed_code->confirmed = 1;
		$confirmed_code->confirmation_code = null;

		// because of Kryptonit3 ( sollution
		// i will add a one value to the user::confirmed column.

		$user = User::find($user_id);
		$username = $user->name;
		$useremail = $user->email;
		$userpassword = $user->password;
		$userlogintimes = $user->no_of_logins;
		$user->name = $username;
		$user->email = $useremail;
		$user->password = $userpassword;
		$user->no_of_logins = 0;
		$user->confirmed = 1;
		return Redirect::to('login')->with(array('welcome_back' => 'You have been confirmed please login .'));
		//return Redirect::to('login')->with(array('confirmed'=>'true','send_to'=>'chooseaccount'));
		return Redirect::to('login')->with(array('message' => 'The verification link is expired or not correct. <a href="">Register</a>'));



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