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posted 11 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes you are right!

Now I have same issue that like yours..

Why do that when input name is a number?

Last updated 2 years ago.

I believe the HTML spec indicates that the name attribute of any form inputs must start with a letter.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I played with this for a while and ended up using a work around. It is actually quite big flaw if you want to use associative IDs in as a form value.

What I did was a bit of a hack but it works fine. I prefixed everything in the form with 'id:' and then parse it off when processing the form.

$form_data = Input::all();

foreach ($form_data as $elem_name => $elem_val) {
			//need to parse off id: from name because of a bug in laravel that converts numeric form element names to integers when it returns Input::all()
			$pieces = explode('id:', $elem_name);
			$id = $pieces[1];
Last updated 2 years ago.

"""I believe the HTML spec indicates that the name attribute of any form inputs must start with a letter."""

Perhaps but it is reasonable to assume that people would want an id that corresponds to a database field as the name of form elements. It is common for forms that allows bulk edits of common fields to indicate which rows are being updated in bulk.

If this restriction is by design it is a poor design, I should at least be able to define the datatype as a string to avoid the numerical conversion. 101 != "101"

Last updated 2 years ago.

I have created new issue record on Laravel github page at in the night. Please fallow this record.

If I need to do this

$post = Input::all(); //  This make post data to break !
$fixedPost = $_POST; // The line tell  us that why do we use framework :D

This is a bug !

Last updated 2 years ago.

Awesome thanks MURAT for reporting it. And thanks to andyfleming for commiting a fix!

Last updated 2 years ago.

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