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Last updated 2 years ago.

Have you tried View::share('key','value') ?

Last updated 2 years ago.

usm4n said:

Have you tried View::share('key','value') ?

Hi usmn4n,

thank you for response.

No, I didn't try it that way, I am new in laravel. Still learning. But believe that won't work. Because I want to set Current URL. Will give it a try. In my case I want to set menu item active, and I am doing it like this :

<li>{% if('about' == current_url)%} class="active"{% endif %}</li>

I am using twig and I am trying to do it via Twig. Want to learn how can to add a macro, function in Laravel 4.

I have done it via config file, but that is not the right way.

Last updated 2 years ago.

OK, normaly to set an active class i do it like this:

<li class="{{ (strpos(URL::current(), URL::to('about'))!== false) ? 'active' : '' }}">
Last updated 2 years ago.

I have a series of small helper function that does this for me:

function active_url_strict($path, $class = 'active')
    return Request::is($path) ? $class : '';
function active_url($path, $class = 'active')
    return (strpos(URL::current(), $path) !== false) ? $class : '';

Example usage:

<li class=" {{ active_url('about') }}">
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hey, you can also use my Twig bridge:

You can get the Twig instance with app('twig')

$twig = app('twig');
$twig->addGlobal('current_url', Request::path());

You can also use the config file to add a helper function, either by callback or just the function name (or method@Class). Or you can add the Request facade to the globals, so you can use Request.path(), URL.current() or'mylink') in your twig templates.

'functions' => array(
    'active_url',   // Use this if the function already exists
    'active_url_cb' => function($path, $class = 'active'){
            return (strpos(URL::current(), $path) !== false) ? $class : '';
'facades' => array(
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi guys, thank you. Eventually I have switched back to blade, and I didn't have any more problems. Hope blade will become in the future good like twig is.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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