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Requests Eloquent Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

I don't think you will necessarily need to use If(isset)

For the inputs use Input::get('country") and Input::get('city')

Here is a good starting point for the Eloquent ORM

[Guide to using Eloquent ORM] (

Last updated 2 years ago.

The issue I have is each country and city relates to various fields in my table. I would love an example integrated from my above template.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Here is an example.

public function data() {
  if(Input::has("country") || Input::has('city')) {   
    $country = Input::get('country');
    $city = Input::get('city');

    $records = DataListings::where("country", "=", $country)

    return View::make('data')->with('table', $records)
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks for your help. Here is my current setup now, however I am getting a blank page with no response, what am I doing wrong?

Here is my controllers for data.index:

public function retailers() {
$listings = DB::table('data_listings')
->orderBy('country', 'asc')

return View::make('data.index')
->with('data_listings', $listings)

This is what I am using in your above example (

public function postRetailers() {
if(Input::has("country") || Input::has('city')) {   
$country = Input::get('country');
$city = Input::get('city');

$records = DataListings::where("country", "=", $country)

return View::make('')
->with('data_listings', $records);

Here are the two routes:

// Retailers
Route::get('/retailers', array(
	'as' => 'retailers', 
	'uses' => 'SiteController@retailers')

Route::get('/retailers/{country}', array(
	'as' => 'find-retailers', 
	'uses' => 'SiteController@postRetailers')

Here is data.index view:

@foreach($retailers_listings as $value)
<a  href="{{ URL::to('retailers/' . $value->country) }}">
{{ $value->country }}

Here is view:

 @foreach($data_listings as $store)
{{ $store->address }}  // etc etc

When I click a link in data.index, it should route to and show give me the fields with in the table that have $country or $city (however only focusing on $country right now). Any suggestions? Is it because we are using input:: and there is no form it's just URL get?

Last updated 2 years ago.

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