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Security Requests
Last updated 2 years ago.

I normally just use Laravel Cors for this.

It allows you to set up different cors settings for different paths in a configuration file.

Last updated 2 years ago.

jamesflight said:

I normally just use Laravel Cors for this.

It allows you to set up different cors settings for different paths in a configuration file.

Yeah, I gave up on doing this this way, because it does not work and I have spend too much time trying to figure it.

laravel-cors solved my problem.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Can you show me your laravel-cors configuration, because it still doesn't work for me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Please create an issue on Github if it doesn't work.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I am using Laravel 5.4 and didn't want to use a package so ended up writing my own middleware. The code looks like this:

namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
class Cors
    private static $allowedOriginsWhitelist = [
    // All the headers must be a string
    private static $allowedOrigin = '*';
    private static $allowedMethods = 'OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE';
    private static $allowCredentials = 'true';
    private static $allowedHeaders = '';
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
      if (! $this->isCorsRequest($request))
        return $next($request);
      static::$allowedOrigin = $this->resolveAllowedOrigin($request);
      static::$allowedHeaders = $this->resolveAllowedHeaders($request);
      $headers = [
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'       => static::$allowedOrigin,
        'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'      => static::$allowedMethods,
        'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'      => static::$allowedHeaders,
        'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'  => static::$allowCredentials,
      // For preflighted requests
      if ($request->getMethod() === 'OPTIONS')
        return response('', 200)->withHeaders($headers);
      $response = $next($request)->withHeaders($headers);
      return $response;
     * Incoming request is a CORS request if the Origin
     * header is set and Origin !== Host
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
    private function isCorsRequest($request)
      $requestHasOrigin = $request->headers->has('Origin');
      if ($requestHasOrigin)
        $origin = $request->headers->get('Origin');
        $host = $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost();
        if ($origin !== $host)
          return true;
      return false;
     * Dynamic resolution of allowed origin since we can't
     * pass multiple domains to the header. The appropriate
     * domain is set in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
     * only if it is present in the whitelist.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
    private function resolveAllowedOrigin($request)
      $allowedOrigin = static::$allowedOrigin;
      // If origin is in our $allowedOriginsWhitelist
      // then we send that in Access-Control-Allow-Origin
      $origin = $request->headers->get('Origin');
      if (in_array($origin, static::$allowedOriginsWhitelist))
        $allowedOrigin = $origin;
      return $allowedOrigin;
     * Take the incoming client request headers
     * and return. Will be used to pass in Access-Control-Allow-Headers
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
    private function resolveAllowedHeaders($request)
      $allowedHeaders = $request->headers->get('Access-Control-Request-Headers');
      return $allowedHeaders;

Then put this middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php:

protected $middleware = [
    // Other middleware classes ...

Also written an article on this.


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