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Installation Packages
Last updated 2 years ago.

what do you mean ? How did you try to install?


Edit composer.json, edit app.php in /config and then run composer update.


astroanu said:

what do you mean ? How did you try to install?

I mean install Composer packages without running Composer. I've got the packages as ZIP files and have extracted them into vendor/<vendor name/<package name> but wanted to know which file to edit so that when I run 'composer update' the app will know about those packages.


DeClaessens said:

Edit composer.json, edit app.php in /config and then run composer update.

Doesn't that still try and pull the packages from Packagist, though?


digitalformula said:

I can't currently install them via Composer for some reason.

What reason?


One simple reason, i have FTP, but dont have ssh... the only thing i can is update files and folders manually.


If SSH is the problem, you can use a GitHub Oauth token with composer...


I have a similar problem. I currently can't access an internal repo for network security issues, but I do have the contents in a zip file. If anyone can provide a solution to OP's question, it would be greatly appreciated!

Last updated 8 years ago.
  1. Add the package to the vendor folder
  2. Add a reference in \vendor\composer\autoload_namespaces.php
  3. Add a reference in \vendor\composer\autoload_psr4.php

Should work automatically now when the vendor\autoloader.php is called


You could trying running composer commands from a browser,


During installation of your package first you need to check in the terminal that which other packages composer are installing with your package because you also need that files or folders along with your package.

Files and folders which you have to upload to the server are given below.

Go to your project root and upload below files to the server

  • composer.json
  • composer.lock.

Go to your vendor folder and upload 5 folders given below.

  • bin
  • classpreloader
  • composer
  • laravel
  • laravel collective.

and at the end upload your package folder and other packages if composer installed it during installation of your package.

Last updated 7 years ago.

In my case laravel (5.5.35) I copied github zip in vendor folder then updated providers in config/app.php then I updated composer.json and composer update followed by composer vendor publish.That's it.


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