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posted 10 years ago


With last version 4.1.28 I get a RuntimeException from Symfony : "You need to specify a file path to store the seed" in file "vendor\symfony\security\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Util\SecureRandom.php". I never got this error with previous versions. I just installed the framework with Composer without change. What's wrong ?

All is ok with version 4.1.27 but version 4.1.28 loads symfony/security (v2.4.3) and my issue is with this component.

Sorry for my English.


Edit : I solved this issue. When looking at nextBytes method of Symfony I saw it uses first OpenSsl to generate the bytes, so now Laravel works if I set the php_openssl. But why to install a component for that ?

Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm having the same issue after running a composer update, OpenSSL is already enabled on my server though so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Last updated 2 years ago.

For the life of me, I am new w/ Laravel, but I keep running into this same error and can not find ANY resources on how to fix it and what the cause is.



You need to specify a file path to store the seed.
 $this->logger->info('OpenSSL did not produce a secure random number.');
// initialize seed
if (null === $this->seed) {
if (null === $this->seedFile) {
throw new \RuntimeException('You need to specify a file path to store the seed.');
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi everybody!,

I just recently install Laravel and had the same problem. As bestmomo did, I enables php_openssl at php.ini, but the problem persists. Any additional suggestion? Thanks in advance ;)

Last updated 2 years ago.


You can add a text file like "seed.txt" in bootstrap directory and change line 7877 in bootstrap/compiled.php like that :

$bytes = with(new SecureRandom('seed.txt'))->nextBytes(16);

It'll work because nextBytes method needs a file if open_ssl doesn't work.

Last updated 2 years ago.

juliancoder said:

Hi everybody!,

I just recently install Laravel and had the same problem. As bestmomo did, I enables php_openssl at php.ini, but the problem persists. Any additional suggestion? Thanks in advance ;)

Are you sure you modified the proper php.ini file? Create a phpinfo.php file on your server with


then load the page and check if the file listed in Loaded Configuration File is the same as the one you edited. Furthermore, look for the following in the phpinfo(); output.

OpenSSL support	enabled
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi again tomzx, bestmomo,

sorry, I was wrong, tomzx was right, I just modified another version of php.ini, not the loaded one by Apache, that was the problem. I enabled php_openssl in the correct file and now everything is ok. Thanks for your support!! ;)

Last updated 2 years ago.

Enabling openSSL in php modules corrects this error.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you all boys... It worked !!!

Enabling openSSL in php modules corrects this error.

in file (for windows) "C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\bin\php.ini"

enable the "extension=php_openssl.dll" by deleting ;

Last updated 2 years ago.

Sometimes, php.ini isn't the one wamp suggested to edit php configuration through wamp menu. To make sure which php.ini is loaded, you can use command:

php --ini

To see loaded modules:

php -m
Last updated 2 years ago.

I had this issue and it was because I was using php 5.3.1 and the min required was 5.3.7. All was OK when I upgraded.

Last updated 2 years ago.


Change 'url' =>'http://localhost/laravel/public/


'debug' => true

Last updated 2 years ago.

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