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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Can you have multiple conversation between the same users ? Or just one ?

Last updated 2 years ago.

You can have private multi conversations with all users you want :) all users can have chat with every numbers of others users in the same conversation or different .user ALPHA can have chat with user BETA but can have only 1 conversation between them. But ALPHA can have another chat with BETA & GAMMA.

Last updated 2 years ago.

This is exactly what I was making myself. But will probably switch to your package. Looking perfect.

Last updated 2 years ago.

That's good, I'm glad if I save you a bit of time. I think it is a good package. You can make a complex chat in 1 hour. Obviously this is still a fresh package released 2 hours ago, Is fully unit tested, and I implemented on my current project so i can use it and improve it and hopefully without find any bug :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

It's not working for me. The problem has something to do with

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'trinity_development.participants' doesn't exist (SQL: select `conversation_joined`.*, `participants`.`participant_id` as `pivot_participant_id`, `participants`.`conversation_joined_id` as `pivot_conversation_joined_id` from `conversation_joined` inner join `participants` on `conversation_joined`.`id` = `participants`.`conversation_joined_id` where `conversation_joined`.`deleted_at` is null and `participants`.`participant_id` = 1 and `participants`.`participant_type` = Trinity\Models\User)
Last updated 2 years ago.

mmmh Can you tell me witch method you used i may miss something, can you be a bit more specific :)

I'm currently using the package i didn't meet this issue. I will glad to help you. Do a composer update i fixed other staff

Last updated 2 years ago.

I used the relationships provided at the documentation. That is causing this error.

I'm just getting the conversations like so

Last updated 2 years ago.

If you want to get conversations of a specific user you have to use


Because like so Mex will check if the user has some conversations deleted or in archive, and it will not get them.

if you instead use Auth::user()->conversations it will get all the conversations even deleted or in archive so is not useful.

I got the same error trying to do what you said, but chancing the realtions to:

 public function conversations()
        return $this->morphMany('Fenos\Mex\Models\ConversationJoined', 'participant');

    public function messages()
        return $this->morphMany('Fenos\Mex\Models\Messages', 'participant');

Will fix the problem but still is not the right wait to use Mex :). Remember to update the version to 1.0.3 :) Hope you enjoy it

I'll create a trait, like so i can manage the relations for each update

Last updated 2 years ago.

Is there a live demo of this somewhere?

Last updated 2 years ago.

The first time that I have free time I'll make a demo of it :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

I agree .. a demo would be quite useful.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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