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Last updated 2 years ago.

IMO, there're at least two reasons.

First one is...that...Angular is just growing fast. It's not only Laravel community where people love AngularJS, but pretty much everybody these days. People want to learn new and good stuff.

Second..since AngularJS has an IoC container and uses DI just like Laravel, it would be easier for Laravelers to learn AngularJS. Not to mention that Jeffery Way or other Laravel evangelists promote AngularJS a lot.

Last updated 2 years ago.

moon0326 said:

IMO, there're at least two reasons.

First one is...that...Angular is just growing fast. It's not only Laravel community where people love AngularJS, but pretty much everybody these days. People want to learn new and good stuff.

Second..since AngularJS has an IoC container and uses DI just like Laravel, it would be easier for Laravelers to learn AngularJS. Not to mention that Jeffery Way or other Laravel evangelists promote AngularJS a lot.

Did not know about the IoC container tidbit, wow.

I have used Knockout previously for an ASP MVC project, would you recommend learning angular for dynamic applications with Laravel?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Picking another js framework can't hurt. I have to do this myself sooner rather later.

Last updated 2 years ago.

@mikenolimits // Yes, why not. I mean..I don't use AngularJS at work (not doing JS recently), but it's very interesting.

If you have time, these videos interested when I was learning Angular for the first time. A little bit boring, but covers a lot.

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Last updated 2 years ago.


Welcome to the world of laravel.. :)

I don't know much about Knockout.js , I use AngularJS as my first JS framework, and it's quite awesome. But if you google it you'll find plenty of comparison articles I guess.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yup, I see a ton of stuff. I highly appreciate the warm welcome :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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