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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Laravel Model of Jens Segers is one possible solution to your requirement:

  • Laravel like Model without database!

I presume your external source is a restful API you need to wrap.


class User extends Model {

    protected $hidden = ['password'];

    protected $casts ['age' => 'integer'];

    public function save()
        return API::post('/items', $this->attributes);

    public function setBirthdayAttribute($value)
        $this->attributes['birthday'] = strtotime($value);

    public function getBirthdayAttribute($value)
        return new DateTime("@$value");

    public function getAgeAttribute($value)
        return $this->birthday->diff(new DateTime('now'))->y;

$item = new User(array('name' => 'john'));
$item->password = 'bar';

echo $item; // {"name":"john"}
Last updated 9 years ago.

Thanks menjaraz for replying!

This looks quite interesting. I am actually after something that will just read data from remote server. I will modify this and check it out.

Thanks again, Cheers, Nick


grandehombre said:

Thanks menjaraz for replying!

This looks quite interesting. I am actually after something that will just read data from remote server. I will modify this and check it out.

Thanks again, Cheers, Nick

Glad to help you.

Please don't forget to give back: Share your findings ;-)


@mejaraz this looks really promising; I am currently in the planning stage of an app that consumes a couple of API end points and this could certainly make developing it a lot faster.


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