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Requests Architecture Configuration

Hello, I make a get ajax request, and my controller is in charge of making query to the database and send the result into json format, I used the response()->json() like as mentioned in the [laravel documentation] ( and I try to parse the result like that $.parseJSON(result); but it throws an error (I check the JSON response and it's is valid). According to a stackoverflow user the result is not a JSON but an object [see here] (

So I want to know why and how I can return a real json response.

Thank you a lot !!!!

Last updated 2 years ago.

What is a 'real json response'?


For me, it's a result that could be parsed with the JSON.Parse() function without error no ?


Thank you !


It seems that if you have this:

var jsonObj = $.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(result));

You are converting it to a string just so you can convert it back. I'm not completely familiar with the nuances of '$.parseJSON' but I think you could just skip that conversion entirely:

var jsonObj = result;

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