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Configuration Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm also upgrading to L5 from 4.2 and have 30+ classes. I'm creating a command that talks to all of them, so I'm forced to have 37 use \App\Models\[name].php statements at the top of my Command class. Gross!

Obviously I understand the value in proper Namespacing, but this is serious code bloat for me. In 4.2, I could access all my models with use App\Models;. Now, unless I'm mistaken, I can't do that?

Most of my use cases won't require that many, but even 10-15 isn't great. I assume the caveat of the old 4.2 method is that everything is imported into a single namespace, which is good for having less code, but bad for performance / considered quite dirty.


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