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Last updated 2 years ago.

This is a real pain, and is caused by the EXIF data that is (sometimes) stored with the jpeg-format in which the iPhone takes pictures.

I wrote a function to take care of it:

 * Orientate an image, based on its exif rotation state
 * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
 * @param  integer $orientation Image exif orientation
 * @return Intervention\Image\Image
function orientate($image, $orientation)
    switch ($orientation) {

        // 888888
        // 88    
        // 8888  
        // 88    
        // 88    
        case 1:
            return $image;

        // 888888
        //     88
        //   8888
        //     88
        //     88
        case 2:
            return $image->flip('h');

        //     88
        //     88
        //   8888
        //     88
        // 888888
        case 3:
            return $image->rotate(180);
        // 88    
        // 88    
        // 8888  
        // 88
        // 888888
        case 4:
            return $image->rotate(180)->flip('h');

        // 8888888888
        // 88  88    
        // 88        
        case 5:
            return $image->rotate(-90)->flip('h');

        // 88        
        // 88  88    
        // 8888888888
        case 6:
            return $image->rotate(-90);

        //         88
        //     88  88
        // 8888888888
        case 7:
            return $image->rotate(-90)->flip('v');

        // 8888888888
        //     88  88
        //         88
        case 8:
            return $image->rotate(90);

            return $image;

The usage of this would then be something like this, supposing you have an Intervention image named $image:

// Check if the image is a jpg
$isJpg = $image->mime === 'image/jpg' || $image->mime === 'image/jpeg';

// If the image is jpg and has orientation data, make sure we orientate correctly before uploading
if($isJpg && $image->exif('Orientation'))
    $image = orientate($image, $image->exif('Orientation'));

// Horray! Your image should now be correctly rotated!

I hope this helps!

Last updated 2 years ago.

@lieberkind : Thanks that worked perfectly for me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Where did you place your function orientate at?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Well, you could place it everywhere really. The easiest way would probably be to place it an a new file called app/helpers.php, and then, in your app/start/global.php do:

require app_path().'/helpers.php';

Last updated 2 years ago.

Got it to work! Thank you so much for sharing this code... and for helping me understand helper functions. Learning new things all the time!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Intervention has a native method for this.


Thanks it's work like a charm.


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