I've been going through the documentation and reading up on relationships, and I'm having trouble oh how to setup the following relationship.
User -> hasMany - > images
User -> hasMany - > albums
Images - > belongTo -> user
Images - > belongsTo -> album
Album -> hasMany - > images
Album -> belongsTo - > User
Should I just have two haveMany(s) & belongTo(s) in the models or should this be approached with a Polymorphic Relation ?
User has many Images and Album has many Images should be polymorphic relationships (with a normal relationship, how would you know if the image table foreign key refers to a user or a album ?)
User has many Albums is a standard one to many relationship.
I found this tutorial very helpful when trying to figure out polymorphic relationships.
The Laravel docs are also helpful. Laravel Docs Polymorphic Relationships
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