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Requests Input Database
Last updated 2 years ago.

What you're doing right now isn't setting a property on attendance. You are overriding the attendance model instance completely and replacing it with a string.

I would highly recommend learning the basics of php and object-oriented programming before trying to use Laravel.


thomastkim said:

What you're doing right now isn't setting a property on attendance. You are overriding the attendance model instance completely and replacing it with a string.

I would highly recommend learning the basics of php and object-oriented programming before trying to use Laravel.

Thanks, and I thought I was ready for laravel, after spending three years dabbling with php and a bit of OOP. Actually, I came to laravel for the purpose of rapid solutions to daily problems, but, for my surprise I was stuck in a loop where I can't proceed learning laravel and going back to pure php. But, I guess, your opinion is correct, "I'm not ready to laravel, yet.".


Oh ok. You might just need some guidance on how to use Laravel. I would recommend Jeffrey Way's series on Laravel. There's a ton of content so it can be overwhelming, but it's great stuff.

This is his series on oop:

This is his series on Laravel 5 fundamentals:

Just note that for the Laravel 5 fundamental series, some things have changed. :) But it will really help you understand the framework conceptually.


Thanks a lot @thomastkim for your guidance, and I just want you to guide me to series on php OOP dedicated to learning Laravel.


Like @thomastkim said, you are replacing a string to $attendance The return value of Request::input() is either string|array, and therefore you are getting that error .


You eventually ended up doing something like this.

 // This does not work as the return type is not Model
$request->input('thursday.' .$key)->save(); 

Just a guess, should $attendance suppose to be an ORM object.

$attendance->tuesday = $request->input('tuesday' . $key); 

awsp said:

Like @thomastkim said, you are replacing a string to $attendance The return value of Request::input() is either string|array, and therefore you are getting that error .


You eventually ended up doing something like this.

// This does not work as the return type is not Model
$request->input('thursday.' .$key)->save(); 

Just a guess, should $attendance suppose to be an ORM object.

$attendance->tuesday = $request->input('tuesday' . $key); 

Thanks @awsp for your drop by, and I want you to bear with me a bit. I have an edit view for the attendance controller which derived data from Attendance model, like:

{!! Form::model($attendances, ['method' => 'PATCH', 'class' => 'form-horizontal', 'action' =>    ['AttendanceController@update', $course_id]]) !!}
			<table id="myTable" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
						<th>الرقم الأكاديمي</th>
						<th>اسم الطالب</th>


					@foreach ($attendances as $key => $attendance)
							<td>{{ $attendance->student->academic_num }}</td>
							<td>{{ $attendance->student->name }}</td>
								{!! Form::text('sunday['.$key.']', $attendance->sunday, null) !!}
								{!! Form::text('monday['.$key.']', $attendance->monday, null) !!}
								{!! Form::text('tuesday['.$key.']', $attendance->tuesday, null) !!}
								{!! Form::text('wednesday['.$key.']', $attendance->wednesday, null) !!}
								{!! Form::text('thursday['.$key.']', $attendance->thursday, null) !!}


				{!! Form::button('  حفظ', ['type' => 'submit','class' => 'fa fa-save btn btn-primary btn-md']) !!}
			{!! Form::close() !!}

But I don't know how to save those data back to database, so , I came up with the stupid way that I posted here at the top of this post.

Could you please help me with a hint?

Last updated 9 years ago.

Hooray!!!, I solved my problem, thanks for @thomastkim and @awsp for their hints.


this is the solution:

public function update(Request $request, $id)
    $attendances = Attendance::where('course_id', '=', $id)->get();
    foreach ($attendances as $key => $attendance)
        $atts = Attendance::findOrFail($request->input('id.'.$key));


        $temp['sunday'] = $request->input('sunday.' .$key);
        $temp['monday'] = $request->input('monday.' .$key);
        $temp['tuesday'] = $request->input('tuesday.' .$key);
        $temp['wednesday'] = $request->input('wednesday.' .$key);
        $temp['thursday'] = $request->input('thursday.' .$key);




    return redirect('attendance')->withSuccess('تم ادخال الغياب بنجاح');

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