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Cache Views
Last updated 2 years ago.

Your browser is also caching js and css. So try to hard reload (windows: strg + f5) the page.

Or disable the caching for you browser on your development site.

Last updated 2 years ago.

It isn't the browser, I've disabled cache, cleared the entire browser history and tried multiple browsers. Same problem.

Last updated 2 years ago.

If anyone else is having this problem, it's a Vagrant bug that affects both apache and nginx. To fix:

Apache: add # A VirtualBox bug forces vagrant to serve

corrupt files via Apache or nginx

The solution to that would be to turn off

the SendFile option in apache or nginx

If you use apache as your main web server

add this directive in your httpd.conf (or apache.conf)

configuration file name may vary in various systems

EnableSendfile off

If you use nginx as your main web server

add this directive in your nginx.conf

sendfile off


It works on my vagrant too! Here's the nginx pitfalls page for it.

KevinCreel said:

If anyone else is having this problem, it's a Vagrant bug that affects both apache and nginx. To fix:

Apache: add # A VirtualBox bug forces vagrant to serve

corrupt files via Apache or nginx

The solution to that would be to turn off

the SendFile option in apache or nginx

If you use apache as your main web server

add this directive in your httpd.conf (or apache.conf)

configuration file name may vary in various systems

EnableSendfile off

If you use nginx as your main web server

add this directive in your nginx.conf

sendfile off


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KevinCreel kevincreel Joined 22 Feb 2014


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