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Requests Input Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

Here are a few ways, that I know of, to get the form data after the FormRequest validation.

- grabs input and files 

- input is the post data, if it is not a get request or then it is the get vars
$request->input()  can specify a key, default or empty returns all

- check if a input field exists

- get a group of specified keys
$request->only(?) array or string

- get a single field

- you can also use 

These all come from Illuminate\Http\Request which FormRequest extends to.

There is a screencast at that also covers the basics of the FormRequest validation.

Hope that helps.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks TerrePorter, that’s more than helpful! Went with $request->all() and works perfectly.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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