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I want to create a means for me to show users where they are at a page. Currently my menu is being pulled from a database like so:

Now I've tried many times to get a style applied to the currently active $menu item, but I haven't had any luck so far. Does anyone have an idea on how to do this best?

I'm using Laravel 5.2 by the way.


Last updated 2 years ago.

Probably the easiest way would be to use the Request::is() method. It works off the URL and not the route name, so you will need to know the end point of where you expect the user to end.

So example:

<a href="{{ route('user.favorites') }}" class="nav-link {{ Request::is('user/favorites') ? 'active' : '' }}">

Where as the route would be

Route::get('/user/favorites', 'something@something')->name('user.favorites')

You can do a google search as some people have changed the Request Is into a new function that works on route names.



The database stores the route identical to the route's name, ex: dashboard.index in database. In the route file: Route::any('/', array('uses' => 'Backend\HomeController@index', 'as' => 'dashboard.index'));

So is there a simple way to change the output of Request::is() to the 'as' name? My previous tries have been unsuccesful sadly...


Try something like in a helpers file.

if( ! function_exists('is_route'))
     * Alias for Request::is(route(...))
     * @return bool
    function is_route($namedRoute)
        return Request::route()->getName() == $namedRoute;

then in blade you could do

<a href="#" class="{{ is_route('dashboard.index') ? 'active' : '' }}">Link</a>


Thank you for your help! I've been able to pull it off, I'll place it here for reference in case anyone needs this in the future. I used a LinkHelper helper class in which I defined the is_route function. In my view I used this route to check if it corresponded with the route I had in my database.


public function is_route($namedRoute)
    return Request::route()->getName() == $namedRoute;


@foreach($menus as $menu)
    <a href="{{$menu->present()->route}}"><span aria-hidden="true" class="{{$menu->icon}} {{        LinkHelper::is_route($menu->route) ? 'active' : '' }}"></span>{{$menu->present()->name}}</a>
Last updated 8 years ago.

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