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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Ok, this is messed up. You have a post table with a id_user. Then you have a user table with id_user. AND THEN you ALSO have a post_user table to connect the two again? That makes no sense in my opinion.

What do you want to achieve with your query? I think it needs a rethink.

Other option: look at and lose the 'post_user' in the second orWhere() (Just a guess)

Last updated 2 years ago.

I know what is wrong.
This part of code inside your function.

where('post.id_post', '=', 'post_user.id_post')

This will result in a query that contains

post.id_post = 'post_user.id_post'

id_post is a integer, but you pass a string into the where. The third parameter of a where() must not be a column name to compare to, but the value to comepare to.
Instead, use a whereRaw().

whereRaw('post.id_post = post_user.id_post')
Last updated 2 years ago.

Ok, sorry for the mess. The goal of this query is to publish the posts that have been posted by you that you visit the profile: ->join('user', 'post.id_user', '=', 'user.id_user') ->where('user.id_user', '=', $id_user)

or those published by another user on the user whose profile you are visiting the page: ->orWhere('post.id_amico', '=', $id_user)

or those shared by this user: ->orWhere(function($query) use ($id_user) { $query->where('post', 'post_user.id_post', '=', 'post.id_post') ->where('post_user.id_user', '=', $id_user); })

and that is where the problems begin, because I can not specify the use of the table "post_user" which is what I need. There is the possibility of using two tables in orWhere function ()? That's what I want to understand.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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