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Eloquent Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

No one help me?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Have you tried using javascript?

Last updated 2 years ago.

extjac said:

Have you tried using javascript?

hi Extjac Thank for you comment

but i just want to push my data itself, it mean category table (it has parent) to combobox for display, i dont think i need to use javascript for this?

Last updated 2 years ago.

kencytbb said:

My category name is testzzz and parent category of testzzz is events but it nonfather category is selected

               <select name="catfather">
               @foreach($catefather as $cf)
               @if($cate->parents->idcategory != $cf->idcategory)                                               
               <option value="{{$cf->idcategory}}}" selected>{{{$cf->cat_name}}}</option>
                <option  selected disabled hidden value=''></option>"      
                <option value="{{$cf->idcategory}}}">{{{$cf->cat_name}}}</option>

Excuse me, but your if statement seems wrong to me.
If the parent id ($cate->parents) equals the id of the category in the foreach ($cf) then it sould be selected. Otherwise not. You are doing the opposite. Replace != with ==.
You don't need the option which is disabled inside the else, you need it right before the foreach.
I strongly racommend you to change the name of the select from "catfather" to "cat_father". In your edit view, laravel will automaticlly recognize the temporary value and set it as selected.

Last updated 2 years ago.


I did same thing for one of my project, and Its better to utilize the power of relationships and scopes in eloquent. I had a nice structured model in my case, but here is modified version from that model for you.

Hope that helps you!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Firtzberg said:

kencytbb said:

My category name is testzzz and parent category of testzzz is events but it nonfather category is selected

               <select name="catfather">
               @foreach($catefather as $cf)
               @if($cate->parents->idcategory != $cf->idcategory)                                               
               <option value="{{$cf->idcategory}}}" selected>{{{$cf->cat_name}}}</option>
                <option  selected disabled hidden value=''></option>"      
                <option value="{{$cf->idcategory}}}">{{{$cf->cat_name}}}</option>

Excuse me, but your if statement seems wrong to me.
If the parent id ($cate->parents) equals the id of the category in the foreach ($cf) then it sould be selected. Otherwise not. You are doing the opposite. Replace != with ==.
You don't need the option which is disabled inside the else, you need it right before the foreach.
I strongly racommend you to change the name of the select from "catfather" to "cat_father". In your edit view, laravel will automaticlly recognize the temporary value and set it as selected.>dakshhmehta said:


I did same thing for one of my project, and Its better to utilize the power of relationships and scopes in eloquent. I had a nice structured model in my case, but here is modified version from that model for you.

Hope that helps you!

thank you very much i did it, it work well :P

Last updated 2 years ago.

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kencytbb kencytbb Joined 29 Oct 2014


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