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Eloquent Forms
Last updated 2 years ago.

Anyone can help ? at least please tell how to get the value of 'keyword' that user entered from view ??

<button class="submit" type="submit" onclick="location.href='{{ action('CompanyController@listCompany') }}'"> Search</button>


Last updated 2 years ago.

What I do:

            $t1 = $_REQUEST['t1'];
            $t1 = "";
        $ownersearch = $t1;
        $ownersearch = $ownersearch . "%";
        //$ownersearch = "j";
        //$ownersearch = $ownersearch . "%";
        $data['owners'] = DB::table('powners')
                        ->where('oname', 'like', $ownersearch)
                        ->orderBy('oname', 'asc')
        $data['osearch'] = $t1;  //needs passing each time for querystring/pagination

Then pass to view like:

return View::make('owner/pownerlist')->with('data', $data['owners'])->with('data2', $data['osearch']);

Of course intial search comes from a search form with whatever parameters need passed, like searchby. These params are added as needed in your application.

Probably a better way, but this is what I do. Also you can change $_REQUEST to $_POST.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks jimgwhit, but i still cant get what i want, the $data['owners'] is same with $companys right ?

and in my controller i return View::make('company.listcompany', compact('companys','sortby', 'order')) ; like that, means i already pass the companys to view ?

i not und:
->with('data2', $data['osearch'] whats means ? and $data['osearch'] = $t1; whats osearch represent ?

thanks again

Last updated 2 years ago.
return View::make('owner/pownerlist')->with('data', $data['owners'])->with('data2', $data['osearch']);

'data', $data['owners'] is the resultset, and 'data2', $data['osearch'] and extras for query string/pagination read and watch video on pagination and passing extra info. view (didn't use blade, but you can convert all to blade, same idea):

<form method="get" action="owners">
<label>sch</label><input type="text" name="t1" value=""> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search">       
<div style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: auto; width: 800px; border:solid red; display:block;">    
    <table id="myTable">   
<thead style="background-color:lightblue"> 

echo "<br>";

foreach ($data as $owner){
    //echo $owner['oname'];//works with ORM also
    //echo $owner->oname; //use with database and querybuilder and ORM
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>"."<a href=\"\" >".$owner->ownerid."</a>"."</td>";
    echo "<td>"."<a>".$owner->oname."</a>"."</td>";
    echo "</tr>";

echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
//echo $data->links();
echo '<br>';
//echo $users->appends(array('sort' => 'votes'))->links();

    <!--<div style="clear:both; "></div>-->
    <div class="pagination" style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: auto; width: 800px; border:solid red; display:  block;">
  <?php echo $data->appends(array('t1' => $data2))->links(); ?> ////t1 added to links read about pagination
Last updated 2 years ago.

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