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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.
0 i think this is what you are looking for.

Last updated 2 years ago.

SerdarSanri said: i think this is what you are looking for.

Hay SerdarSanri

I have tried this in the past and couldn't get it to work right, sorry should have mentioned that in my post.

Last updated 2 years ago.

What's the relation type between IMPORT and DOCUMENT exactly?

Last updated 2 years ago.

jarektkaczyk said:

What's the relation type between IMPORT and DOCUMENT exactly?

REF is the link column e.g.

USERS table ID links to IMPORT table USER_ID, IMPORT table REF links to DOCUMENT table REF.

hope this helps

Last updated 2 years ago.

You need three Model classes. Al

class User{		
	public function imports(){
		return $this->hasMany("Import");
	public function documents(){
		return $this->hasManyThrough("Import", "Document", "user_id", "ref");// we need to define local and parent keys because in your table you are not using {model}_id naming.
class Import{
	public function documents(){
		return $this->hasMany("Document" , "ref" , "ref"); // we need to define local and parent keys because in your table you are not using {model}_id naming.

class Document{
	public function users(){
		return $this->hasManyThrough("Import", "User" , "ref" , "user_id");
	public function imports(){
		return $this->belongsTo("Import", "ref" , "ref");// we need to define local and parent keys because in your table you are not using {model}_id naming.

now in your view, you can either get all imports and get documents() from each one or get all documents by

@foreach($user->documents() as $document)



I haven't tested the code but I think at least it will give you the idea.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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