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Last updated 2 years ago.

Can you submit your code, so we can see where it goes wrong.

Last updated 2 years ago.


return Redirect::route('confirm')

to work, you need to have named the route that matches 'confirm'.

If you just want to point to, you should use

return Redirect::to('confirm')

Both of these ways require that you have a route set up to handle the confirm route. Like this:

return Route::get('confirm', function() { ... });

You should also pass along your initial record's id, as otherwise it won't be known by the route you are submitting the form to from the confirm page:

return Redirect::to('confirm')->with('record_id', $id);

You can then get the record_id in the confirm function with

$record_id = Session::get('record_id);

Hope this helps.

Last updated 2 years ago.


return Route::get('confirm', function() { ... });

should be

Route::get('confirm', function() { ... });
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi This is my error

invalidArgumentException Route [confirm] not defined.

Route::any('confirm', function(){
	return 'hi';

And this is from my model

public static function deleteCity($id)
		$city = City::find($id);
		if($id == $city['id'])
			return Redirect::route('confirm');
			var_dump('This is incorrect');
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hello, I think the correct format of the routes should be something like this:

Route::get('the/url', array('as' =>'','uses'=>'ControllerName@MethodName'));

You can also use resourceful routing like this:

Route::resource('ModelName', 'ControllerName');

More here

Last updated 2 years ago.

@ottz0 In your case you need to either name your route:

Route::any('confirm', array('as' => 'confirm', function()
    return 'hi';

or, use Redirect::to():

return Redirect::to('confirm');
Last updated 2 years ago.

I think, Redirects don't get executed when in a model method that gets called from a controller. But to keep with the MVC principle, the model should not really contain application logic anyway. And redirects and routes are clearly application logic. So it's best if you keep your Redirect in the controller (or routes.php closure) and just make it dependant on a boolean return value from a model method:

In the controller:

if( $city->hasBigPark() )
    return Redirect::to('confirm');

// Do something ELSE

In the model you then have a method like this:

public function hasBigPark()
    if($this->parkArea < 1000)
        return true;
        return false;
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks...... now how to I send data with it and does this need to go back to the controller in order to pass it again to the route?

Sorry I'm only new to this and I don't know what is supposed to be sending, receiving, routing and %^#E$#YT%%^&!!!!

Could you please explain from start to finish as I can only find part answers.

Does this: route->controller->model->controller->route->to page??????

Why can't it be route->controller->model->send straight to route with data?

In Model

public static function ab()
	//Redirects need to be sent back to controller
	$result = array('name'=>'alan');
	return Redirect::to('cd')->with($result);
Last updated 2 years ago.

Ok Sisou,

Thanks for that, I got you. That was my suspicion but no documentation proved otherwise

Last updated 2 years ago.

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ottz0 ottz0 Joined 15 Nov 2014


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