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Database Eloquent Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

Please see for information on what a join is.

The join combines two tables to return a common results set based a column that exists in both tables - ie, the tables have a relationship.

Why do you want to build a relationship between two databases instead of two tables?

You should take advantage of migrations when making changes to your database. See the docs for more -

Last updated 2 years ago.

jivan84 liked this reply


Hi Thanks for your reply.

I am working with an Expedia database, which will fetch updated data frequently. It recommends not adding to its structure but I would like to build my own content onto various locations so its a bit of a mashup.

I think I just need joins as I don't need to integrate data. I just want to get a region or city Id and cross reference my data with it to show further information when the region or city ID is queried from the expedia database

Last updated 2 years ago.

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