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Blade Forms Laravel
Last updated 2 years ago.

I think this is a kind of bug of blade compiler, because if I take a look into the compiled view, then I see this:

<?php echo e(Form::text('name', '@{{; ?>') }}

which means, the compiler replaces the first occurence of }}, instead of the last (I mean balde compiler don't care if there is another }} in the text to compile).

The correct replacement would be:

<?php echo e(Form::text('name', '@{{}}')); ?>

I share with you the status of this issue, mybe it will be helpfull to others:

I submitted an issue to Lravel git project about this, and I got a reply, that this is a kind of limitation in BladeCompiler.php regex match.

I dealed with the pattern and wrote one, which match exactly the good closing delimiters. If you follow the link, you can find the solution.

Now I try to override the affected functions with custom service provider, until I changed the vendor file itself.


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svolenszki svolenszki Joined 21 Oct 2015


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