Collect feedback via Discord notifications in your Laravel project
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash
How to create a feedback module in a Laravel project and receive a Discord notification when a message is submitted.
A sample Laravel project can be found on this Github Repository.
Find out more on Capsules or X.
It is common to come across a contact form or an email address on a website, allowing users to contact the site administrator. These forms typically request an email address, a subject, and a title. This article suggests a more open alternative to anonymity, replacing this standard format. By using Discord.
A button provides access to a form with a feedback field and, optionally, a field for an email address if a response to the message is desired. Upon submission, a Discord notification is automatically generated to inform the administrator. No email is generated, and no data is stored in a database.
Initially, only one route and one page are configured in our blank Laravel project.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Inertia\Inertia;
Route::get( '/', fn() => Inertia::render( 'Welcome' ) );
<script setup>
import logotype from '/public/assets/capsules-logotype-background.svg';
<div class="w-screen h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center text-center bg-primary-white">
<img class="w-24 h-24" v-bind:src="logotype">
<h1 class="mt-4 text-6xl font-bold select-none header-mode" v-text="'Capsules Codes'" />
The feedback component can be entirely contained in a Vue file. The HTML structure includes a button and a form. Here is the content of the module.
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { router } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
import logotype from '/public/assets/capsules-logotype.svg';
const isOpen = ref( false );
const isSent = ref( false );
const errors = ref( {} );
const message = ref( '' );
const email = ref( '' );
function toggle()
if( ! isOpen.value )
message.value = '';
email.value = '';
isSent.value = false;
errors.value = {};
isOpen.value = ! isOpen.value;
function submit()
errors.value = {};
const data = email.value ? { email : email.value, message : message.value } : { message : message.value }; '/feedbacks', data, { onError : error => { errors.value = error; }, onSuccess : () => { isSent.value = true; } } );
<div class="m-8 flex flex-col-reverse items-end space-y-reverse space-y-4">
<button class="w-12 h-12 flex items-center justify-center" v-on:click="toggle()">
<div v-show="! isOpen" class="w-full h-full rounded-xl bg-white flex items-center justify-center drop-shadow-2xl hover:bg-primary-blue hover:bg-opacity-5"><img class="h-8 w-8" v-bind:src="logotype"></div>
<div v-show="! isOpen" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full rounded-xl bg-white flex items-center justify-center animate-ping opacity-50"><img class="h-8 w-8" v-bind:src="logotype"></div>
<svg v-show="isOpen" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6 text-primary-blue"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" /></svg>
<div v-if="isOpen">
<div v-if="! isSent" class="font-mono rounded-xl bg-white drop-shadow-xl ">
<div class="p-2">
<form class="flex flex-col" v-on:submit.prevent="submit()">
<label for="message" hidden />
class="mb-2 p-2 outline-none rounded-md resize-none text-xs bg-slate-100"
v-bind:class="{ 'border border-solid border-red-500 text-red-500' : errors && errors[ 'message' ] } "
v-bind:placeholder="'Your message'"
<div class="flex">
<label for="email" hidden />
class="px-2 grow outline-none rounded-md text-xs bg-slate-100"
v-bind:class=" { 'border border-solid border-red-500 text-red-500' : errors && errors[ 'mail' ] } "
v-bind:placeholder="'Your email - Optional'"
class="ml-2 px-4 py-2 inline-flex items-center rounded-md text-sm font-medium text-primary-blue bg-primary-blue bg-opacity-50 hover:bg-opacity-60"
<p v-text="'Send'" />
<p v-for=" ( error, key ) in errors " v-bind:key="key" class="first:mt-4 ml-1 text-[10px] text-red-500" v-text="error" />
<div v-else class="font-mono p-4 flex items-center justify-center space-x-4 bg-white rounded-xl drop-shadow-xl">
<p class="w-full text-center text-xs text-primary-black" v-text="'Thank you for your feedback !'" />
<p v-text="'🎉'" />
<img class="h-8 w-8" v-bind:src="logotype">
This component represents a button that, when clicked, reveals a form through the isOpen
variable. When the 'Send' button is clicked, the submit()
method is called, sending a POST request to the /feedbacks
route. If everything is in order, the isSent
variable becomes true, and a thank-you message replaces the form. Otherwise, incorrect fields are highlighted in red.
Now, it's time to add this component to the Welcome
<script setup>
import Feedback from '/resources/js/components/Feedback.vue';
import logotype from '/public/assets/capsules-logotype-background.svg';
<Feedback class="fixed z-10 bottom-0 right-0" />
<div class="w-screen h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center text-center bg-primary-white">
<img class="w-24 h-24" v-bind:src="logotype">
<h1 class="mt-4 text-6xl font-bold select-none header-mode" v-text="'Capsules Codes'" />
The Feedback
component is imported and positioned at the bottom right of the screen.
Now that the module is working on the client side, it's time to create the route, implement validation, and send the data to Discord. For this article, there is no need to create a specific controller.
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class FeedbackRequest extends FormRequest
public function rules() : array
return [
'message' => [ 'required', 'min:1', 'max:499' ],
'email' => [ 'sometimes', 'email' ],
The FeedbackRequest
allows for returning errors if data has not been sent correctly.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Inertia\Inertia;
use App\Http\Requests\FeedbackRequest;
Route::get( '/', fn() => Inertia::render( 'Welcome' ) );
Route::post( 'feedbacks', function( FeedbackRequest $request ){} );
The next step is to connect the Laravel project to the Discord workspace. For this purpose, a webhook needs to be created. Go to the Discord Server Settings > Integrations > View webhooks > New Webhook. It needs a name and a channel.
The webhook is then available and its URL can be copied via the button Copy Webhook URL
This webhook needs to be added to the LOG_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL
environment variable, which is accessible in the configuration file config/logging.php
return [
'channels' => [
'discord' => [
'driver' => 'discord',
'url' => env( 'LOG_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL' )
The notification can now be sent from the /feedbacks
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Inertia\Inertia;
use App\Http\Requests\FeedbackRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use App\Notifications\FeedbackReceived;
Route::get( '/', fn() => Inertia::render( 'Welcome' ) );
Route::post( 'feedbacks', fn( FeedbackRequest $request ) => Notification::route( 'discord', config( 'logging.channels.discord.url' ) )->notify( new FeedbackReceived( $request ) ) );
All that's left is to create the FeedbackReceived
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use App\Http\Requests\FeedbackRequest;
use App\Notifications\Discord\DiscordChannel;
use App\Notifications\Discord\DiscordMessage;
class FeedbackReceived extends Notification
private FeedbackRequest $request;
public function __construct( FeedbackRequest $request )
$this->request = $request;
public function via() : string
return DiscordChannel::class;
public function toDiscord() : DiscordMessage
$email = $this->request->email ?? 'Anonymous';
return ( new DiscordMessage() )->content( "New Capsules Codes Feedback : \"{$this->request->message}\" by {$email}" );
namespace App\Notifications\Discord;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
class DiscordChannel
public function send( object $notifiable, Notification $notification ) : void
$discordMessage = $notification->toDiscord();
$discordWebhook = $notifiable->routeNotificationFor( 'discord' );
Http::post( $discordWebhook, $discordMessage->toArray() );
namespace App\Notifications\Discord;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class DiscordMessage
protected string $content = '';
public function content( string $content ) : self
$this->content = $content;
return $this;
public function toArray() : array
return [
"embeds" => [
"title" => $this->title,
"type" => "rich",
"timestamp" => Carbon::now(),
"color" => "14497651"
A wild notification appears!
Glad this helped.
driesvints liked this article
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