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posted 11 years ago

Hi Guys, so im very new to laravel (approx 2wks) and in all fairness i havent been programming for years, but after discovering laravel i have taken it up again, and started working on a new backend system for my company..

But i have run in to a challenge.. Simply put i have a resource-controller with a store function where i want to store a customer to our database, but at the same time push the customerdata into our accountingsystem (e-conomic).

I have tried combining putting my api-function inside my store-function but so far without any luck at all. Can someone help me in the right direction? :)

The resource-controller - store function (which works in storing it to our mysql db):

The api-function which i want to run after storing it to our mysql db:

Any help is appreciated :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

Sounds like you need another class to wrap that API call in.

Create a new class and make sure it's going to be autoloaded. You might need to create a classes directory and then in your global start file add the directory to the class loader.



class Economic {

	public function pushCustomerData()
		// Place your API call in here


Then from within your store method you can get an instance of the Economic class and call the pushCustomerData method.

$economic = new Economic;


This is just the basic idea. You might like to create a constructor on that class to simplify a few things, especially if you have a number of API calls that you make that re-use the same connection details.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks mate, got the idea.. Great input ;)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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