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Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.


You can pass a second parameter to the yield function. From the docs (

Sometimes, such as when you are not sure if a section has been defined, you may wish to pass a default value to the @yield directive. You may pass the default value as the second argument:

@yield('section', 'Default Content');

So you can do something like

<title>My Awesome Site - @yield('title', 'since 2008')</title>

So whenever there is a title section within your view, its content will be populated. Otherwise the default will be used (which also can be an empty string of course)

Last updated 2 years ago.

It might not be precisely what you want, but using the aforementioned second parameter you could do this:

<title>Website Name : @yield('page_title', 'Tagline goes here')</title>

EDIT: After I posted I saw your revision tobysommer

Last updated 2 years ago.

Both sounds like great suggestions but they aren't direct solution to my question.

I don't want to put a default value in case there's none, I need to know how to check if it returns something.

Still, I wasn't aware of that second parameter for @yield() so thanks a lot, I'm sure this will me anyways :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

I have encountered this similar problem before.

I end up with View composer

	class MetaComposer{

		public function compose($view)
			if ( ! empty($view['title']) )
			    $view['title'] .= ' | '.$site_title;
			    $view['title'] = $site_title;
			return $view;
Last updated 2 years ago.

You can use this in your view:

@if (array_key_exists('mySection', View::getSections()))
Last updated 2 years ago.

I came up with a slightly icky solution to this:

@if ($__env->yieldContent('title')
    | My Site
   Welcome to my wonderful website!
Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm using this helper function in my Laravel 5 apps:

 * Checks whether a section has been captured yet.
 * @param  string  $section
 * @return bool
function content_for($section)
    return array_key_exists($section, app('view')->getSections());

Too much work, simply use:

@if (View::hasSection('something'))
do something
do nothing

P/S: Please have a look into "vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Factory.php"

Last updated 8 years ago.

It's even simpler now. Use the @hasSection directive:

        @yield('title') - App Name
        App Name

Wow. Thank you, adriaanzon! Is there any way to use @hasSection in a ternary?

Last updated 8 years ago.

I have been doing this for about 2 years now and this is my implementation.

<title>@yield('body.title', 'default title') | Always here</title>

Then in my templates used

@section('body.title', 'Contact Us')

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