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Authentication Security Validation
Last updated 2 years ago.

Well first you have to set your models relationships, in your case , one to one relation , since the users table hold the person_id , that means a user belongs to a person . check the following example :

class Person extends Eloquent {  
    public function users(){

        return $this->hasOne('User');
class User extends Eloquent {  
    public function persons(){
        return $this->belongsTo('Person');

Now since we have our relation set in the two sides we can do something like this:

$user= User::first();

if ($user->persons->email === Input::get('email')) {
  //code here

//we can alse go with 
$person= Person::first();

if ($person->users->somefield=== Input::get('something')) {
  //code here

I hope this gunna help -_*

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you - is there a way to integrate this into the Auth::attempt() function?

Last updated 2 years ago.

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