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Configuration Packages
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hey Panoply

I'm also new to Laravel, so i'm just trying to give you answers out of my mind, please correct me if i'm wrong.

  1. I personally have a Root Server which allows me to setup everything. Other than that you should be able to run it on any Webserver, keep in mind: You should use PHP 5.5, the mcrypt extension must be available. 2-4. AFAIK you can just upload everything into your root directory and then point your Domain to the public folder. Afterwards you may edit your .htaccess to fit your setup.
  2. You can do it simply by using FTP or you pull it from your Remote Git Repository directly into your root folder. By doing this, you could just update your site once you've edited something.

Let me know if i was helpful in some way :)

Have a nice day!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks for your response. I might take the git option and if you could clarify, the upload would include my vender folder?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes, include everything, even the vendor folder :)

Have a nice day!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Pushing your vendor folder is not good practice. Your vendor folder contains repository code which is frequently updated and improved. For that reason you should always try to keep it out of your git repo and run composer update on your production server instead. You'll also save a lot of time when pulling a repo without the vendor folder.

A good approach is to write a small deployment-script together with environment-specific configurations. The goal is to pull in the latest changes from your git repository without breaking your site.

An example of such a script would be something like this; Pastebin - 6oPE (not tested). Create a new file on your webserver, name it "deploy" and do chmod +x deploy. Use it like this;

// First run, which clones the repository
$ php deploy first-run

// Now, this should be executed whenever there are changes in your repo
$ php deploy

Now, if you create environment-specific configuration files, this would be your workflow;


  • Change whatever you'd like in your code
  • git add, git commit and git push


  • $ php deploy

Remember to put your /vendor folder back in .gitignore.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I did upload them (project folder in locals) all to shared host. I cut things inside public folder and paste them on the same lavel as app folder.

this needs to change a default configuration , config/paths.php

you can develop locally and push it to production using FTP via some ID like Phpstrom notepad++ etc.

here's my site : for example

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks to ChrisRM, nice way to handle deployment, will surely test it out!

Last updated 2 years ago.

I would suggest something like mina ( for deployments. You should never run composer update in your production environment, only composer install. You don't want new, untested, versions of libs in production that you haven't used in development. And composer update requires a lot of memory to run.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I had the same question here:

Now using Rocketeer and i'm very happy with it.

Last updated 2 years ago.

sorry, but how do I access my webapp after I do all these rocketeer configs. ?

Last updated 2 years ago.

In addition to this, can simplify deployment. Deploying over SFTP, they allow you to integrate to your repository, reverse deployments and preview deployments. It's a great little service. I don't use FTP at all anymore, only for real legacy sites, it's always SFTP.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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