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I searched for "Spreadsheet" and didn't find anything here, so I thought I would post a question :).

I am rather new to PHP, and totally new to Laravel, but I am fully intending on using Laravel to dive deeply into web app development as a very highly recommended source. I am looking forward to it.

I have one question regarding existing views/forms (or whatever you would call it :) that people have developed to create something like a spreadsheet-style interface. My thoughts are the following: In my company, many, many projects use Excel spreadsheets to transfer data back and forth, which results in horrendous data quality, and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary "cleaning". Having a web application interface that can put constraints on the data, but still make it flexible and usable, and of course help the end user much more than an Excel sheet would in telling the end user what he/she has to do, would be a great thing. The new Access 2013 web app with Sharepoint (if anyone is familiar) has something like this: a spreadsheet-style interface for a web app, which allows for simple things like enforcing basic data integrity rules, since it simply has a real database for a back-end (SQL Server). But I am not very interested in that platform.

Any thoughts or direction are much appreciated. This is certainly not my only interest in Laravel, but it is one thing I am interested in pursuing.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Another way of referring to this style of form is "datasheet". For instance, I would even want someone to be able to copy from an excel spreadsheet, and paste into the "datasheet" form. The form would validate the data on the fly, based on the database constraints in place (and perhaps others).

Ah, I did a bit more looking. This is the kind of thing I am looking for:

What would you all recommend?

Last updated 2 years ago.
0 - is probably worth a look (IIRC there is a package available for this too)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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