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Requests Input
Last updated 2 years ago.

just type this

echo '<script type="text/javascript">'
			   , 'history.go(-2);'
			   , '</script>';
Last updated 2 years ago.

I would not rely on JavaScript code as JS may be disabled in a browser. Instead, at step 2 I would put:


and then at step 4 I would redirect to the URL which is saved in the session variable:

return Redirect::to(Session::get('url'));  
Last updated 2 years ago.

sayasuhendra said:

just type this

echo '<script type="text/javascript">'
  		   , 'history.go(-2);'
  		   , '</script>';

Your solution will redirect to second last page but can not load new customer.

Alkimisti said:

I would not rely on JavaScript code as JS may be disabled in a browser. Instead, at step 2 I would put:


and then at step 4 I would redirect to the URL which is saved in the session variable:

return Redirect::to(Session::get('url'));  

This solution is mean When you in step one, you flash session url now and you can get session url after submit new customer

Last updated 2 years ago.

Flash url in YourController@index

Session::flash('backUrl', Request::fullUrl());

Keep the sub session key in YourController@create and YourController@store

if (Session::has('backUrl')) {

Consume the session value in YourController@store or any subsequent views

// YourController@store
return ($url = Session::get('backUrl')) 
    ? Redirect::to($url) 
    : Redirect::route('any.named.route');

// or any views
@if ($url = Session::get('backUrl'))
    <a href="$url">Back to List</a>
Last updated 9 years ago.

Step 1 uses get tokens. Simply save the full URL in a session variable and use it to redirect in step 4. No need to over think it.


appkr said:

Flash url in YourController@index

Session::flash('backUrl', Request::fullUrl());

Keep the sub session key in YourController@create and YourController@store

if (Session::has('backUrl')) {

Consume the session value in YourController@store or any subsequent views

// YourController@store
return ($url = Session::get('backUrl')) 
   ? Redirect::to($url) 
   : Redirect::route('any.named.route');

// or any views
@if ($url = Session::get('backUrl'))
   <a href="$url">Back to List</a>

Your answer solve my problem. Thanks a bunch


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