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Cache Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

You must have a typo somewhere or is calling the wrong route.

The error say view [] not found

View [] not found.

but the ThingyController.php have [] not []

    return View::make('', $data);
Last updated 2 years ago.

fraserk said:

You mush have a typo somewhere or is calling the wrong route.

The error say View [] not found. but the //ThingyController.php return View::make('', $data);


Thanks fraserk for your speedy response, however I'm sure there are no typos. $data is merely an array of data that I am passing to the view, which works fine.

Further in "ThingyController.php", if I make the view as in "ThingiesController.php" like so:

// This is ThingyController.php
// but showing the view of ThingiesController.php
return View::make('', $data);

oddly the view is found. Both views are identical too.

I have destroyed the VM instance and restarted so I don't think it's a caching issue.

I'm wondering if there's a conflict with the 2 routes?


Fraserk, I apologise, you were correct with the typo, although it wasn't in my code. The damn show.blade.php file was named as "show,blade.php" (notice the comma instead of period). Sorry, so dumb of me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Happens to me all the time. Glade you got it working..

Last updated 2 years ago.

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