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Packages Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

Cannot redeclare means either your include is being done more than once (solution: use include_once()) or that a class with that name already exists. To prevent that the namespaces exist. Also files in Laravel will automatically be loaded depending on namespaces by PSR-4 so if your class file is in the right place, is correctly named and has the right namespace you shouldn't have to worry about it.



Indeed i am trying to include the Mobile_Detect library( In my controller i tried include_once() and got cannot redeclare, but note, if i only put this line of code:

$detect = new Mobile_Detect;

AND put the Mobile_Detect.php file in the same directory as the controller, i got cannot redeclare too...

Any idea?


Easy way: place the file somewhere in you app folder. Autoload it as file on your composer.json Not so Hard way: create a service provide to load the class(still you need to autoload your class)


I created a directory and added the file at:


updated composer.json after the "classmap" in the autoload section with:

"files": [ "app/library/Mobile_Detect.php" ],

and added in MyController.php file:

use Mobile_Detect;

It worked! Thanks!


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