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Laravel Authentication Configuration
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hey man,

I started with laravel about 1 year ago.... and was just constantly going down rabbit holes of different ways to do something and a project that should have taken a month is now just getting wrapped up....

There is SO MANY ways you can go... so many packages... But just pick a lane and go then maybe mix it up for your next project. I would start with just bootstrap and jquerry. THen maybe give livewire/tailwind a whirl if you want to get your feet wet with reactivity.

I Hope this helps at all...


Hi Jeremy, Thank you for your answer. You are right, and in fact, the real question is what way to follow as there are many crossroads and you need to take time to think about many aspects. Thus, I resolved to deepen my understanding by reading many documentations (and there are a lot of very good ones) and watching many videos. Now I feel more at ease and I have taken the path of Laravel 8 + inertia+vue. Their documentation are really good and sufficient for me to overcome the difficulties I stumbled over at first, not having a sufficient basic understanding. The key answer is understand first and practice after.


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