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Last updated 2 years ago.

I just add a Wiki page to explain how Larasset can easily play with AJAX and Laravel:

Working with Ajax/JavaScript in Laravel.

Have a good day !

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi folks!

I've just push the first stable release of my Asset Pipeline package. With tests, PSR-2 coding style and some performance improvements.

Enjoy ;)

Last updated 2 years ago.


Now Larasset and jquery-laravel have an online demo to show you how you can easily manage your Assets (minification, compression, source mapping, versioning... for your Javascript and CSS files) and AJAXify your Laravel application:


Last updated 2 years ago.

real nice, bringing another feature i loved in rails over to laravel

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you for your support @kasoprecede47 !

Have a nice day ; )

Last updated 2 years ago.

Very cool. Would love to see support for Haml, and SCSS + Bourbon.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Collin,

For Sass and SCSS support with Larasset, you just need to run in a console:

npm install -g node-sass

Then start (or restart) your Laravel application and the Larasset server:

php artisan server

Now you can use Sass and SCSS files ;-)

For Bourbon supports, Larasset (Mincer module to be more accurate) use the Node.js module Autoprefixer which is a replacement of Bourbon.

NB: I've added this tips in the the Asset Pipeline guide. Have a good day!

Last updated 2 years ago.

I just write a Wiki page to explain how to reload assets lightning-fast with LiveReload:

Imagine you are editing an CSS (or LESS,Sass...) file in your Laravel application. You have your app open in a few web browsers for testing: Chrome on the main display, IE11 VM on the second monitor, and your iPhone and iPad on the desk. As soon as you hit “save” in your editor, your CSS changes are compiled, and pushed out to all these browsers. Instantly. The browsers don’t even reload the page; the new styles simply pop in.

Last updated 2 years ago.

The online demo is up again, sorry for the inconvenience, with the last version of Laravel 4.2.9

Last updated 2 years ago.

This seems like a great package, will have to try it out. Any plans to support Laravel 5?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Niall,

Any plans to support Laravel 5?

Of course, when it'll be stable.

Cheers, Tortue Torche

Last updated 2 years ago.

Last version of Larasset 0.9.5 supports Sass(SCSS) out of the box !

So you can update in your application the larasset package:

composer update efficiently/larasset

Then you can update larasset-js module:

npm update -g larasset-js
Last updated 2 years ago.

New Larasset 0.9.6 version is here ! With some CSS compression bug fixes and CSS source map improvements. The command line option --environment is renamed to --assets-env to avoid conflicts with Laravel --env command line option.

So you can update in your application the larasset package:

composer update efficiently/larasset

Then you can update the larasset-js module:

npm update -g larasset-js
Last updated 2 years ago.

Larasset now supports officially Laravel 5.2 !

So you can update in your application the larasset package:

composer update efficiently/larasset

Then you can update the larasset-js module:

npm update -g larasset-js

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