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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 1 year ago.

Are you missing a collectable or collectables class?

Last updated 9 years ago.

I don't have a collectable or collectables class, but then what would be the relationship between the collectable class and all other classes?


Okay, the problem was not the way the I modeled the relationships... Somehow

Animal::find(2)->first()->id; // returns 1

always returns a DB row with ID 1 instead of a DB row with ID $key. I'm still puzzled why, because

Animal::where('id', 2)->first()->id; // return 2

So, technically this issue is solved and will mark it as solved, but I still can't explain this behavior.

EDIT: Okay, after digging around in the Laravel code, the find() method already uses the first() method and thus a second first() method after find() will screw up the result. "Mystery" solved...

Last updated 9 years ago.

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