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Installation Configuration
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi, it looks like you have the path slightly wrong on the homestead box.

Your file: folders: - map: /Users/tjnine/Projects to: /Users/tjnine/vagrant/Projects/SiteOne

Should be something like: folders: - map: ~/Projects to: /home/vagrant/Projects

Notice the folder is mapped to/home/ also you need to remove /SiteOne to match the same structure


That worked, I followed your instructions to the letter and it works but now when I go to my browser I get the text "It Works!" and when I type all different paths that it might be I get a 404.

here is my new homestead.yam file...

I have tried two different directory structures...

here is my first directory structure

here is my second directory structure

I also took out the SiteOne directory as advised with both of those and got the same. I should also note that when I go to homestead.local I get no input specified but when I use the ip I get "It Works!"

Last updated 9 years ago.

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