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Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.


for adding my widgets to a view I use an HTML extension.

HTML Extension:

// app/html_extensions.php

// Creates a widget instance and calls the render method.
HTML::macro('widget', function($widgetName, $parameters = null)
    if (! is_array($parameters)) $parameters = (array) $parameters;

    $className = 'Controllers\\'.$widgetName.'Widget';
    $widget = new $className();

    return $widget->render($parameters);

Example Widget:

namespace Controllers;

use Post;
use View;
use Widget;

class ChannelWidget extends Widget {

    public function render($parameters = array())
        $posts = Post::where('channel', '=', $parameters['channel'])->orderBy('date_published', 'DESC')->take($parameters['howMany'])->get();

        return View::make('channel.widget', compact('posts'));


Blade Template:

{{ HTML::widget('Channel', ['channel' => 'geek corner', 'howMany' => 3]) }}
Last updated 2 years ago.

[code] tags are not used here, you just indent with 4 spaces or tabs and it's marked as code.

View composers are what you want.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Why? They are tied to a view. And you cannot pass arguments to them, right? What is the benefit?

I started with composers, too. But then decided to use my own way a.k.a widgets.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Class-based view composers can utilize dependency injection similar to controllers.

If a sub-view requires parameters then its process cannot be isolated and OP's question is moot IMO - but a composer can easily access a view's variables via $view->variable if necessary.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yeah okay sherwinncnadev should at least consider to use class-based view composers. It's probably the laravelish way.

However, if his/her sub-views require parameters then maybe it's not an issue of view composers. Maybe view composers do not excatly fit the requirements. Take a look at the code, it has this $channel variable. It's like a parameter. How can sherwinncnadev use it with view composers? (Accessing variables of the parent view is not the problem here.)

Last updated 2 years ago.

@anlutro Hi and thanks for the reply, I thought of using view composers but I can't find a way to pass data to the view composer. Also I would like to learn how to use/create a view composer class but (also) I can't find a more detailed documentation on how to use/create a view composer class. I've read the laravel documentation about view composer and it is kind of short. A link to tutorial or a better documentation would be appreciated.

@siconize Hi and thanks for sharing your code. I'll try your approach and see if it gets the job done.

Last updated 2 years ago.

View composers can read the View's variable


public function view($id)
    return View::make('post.view', ['post' => Post::find($id)]);

View composer

public function compose($view)
    return $view->with('widget', Widget::where('post_id', '=', $view->post->id)->get());
Last updated 2 years ago.

@siconize Hi siconize, I tweaked your code and it works pretty well. It's actually what I need but I'm still gonna do some research if laravel's view composers can do something like that. Thanks!

@zenry I wanted the widgets to be separate from the controller. Correct me if I'm wrong but in your example every time i need to use a certain widget let's call it widget A, and let's say widget A uses the $post->id data, I always need to provide the post data in every controller function that loads a view that has widget A in it.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Great question!

@zenry - What if I wanted to use the widget more than once in the same view? e.g. Show the top posts in separate blocks for more than one category on the Home Page.

I like your solution @siconize but is there any benefit to using a HTML macro vs. simply creating a helper class and calling a static method directory from the view?

I wonder what would be the "most Laravel friendly" way to do this?

Last updated 2 years ago.

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