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Installation Configuration

Been working on a large project for a while now, everything have gone without a hitch, until now.

I've been using Artisan the whole project for creating migrations. But now suddenly, Artisan is completely broken.

When I run artisan, I just get a whole lot of HTML code spewed out, whith the only readable text is:

<h1>Whoops, looks like something went wrong.</h1>

I've been trying everything to correct it, deleting the vendor folder reinstalling Laravel, tried different composer.json files and everything, and I can't even do that – I just get:

Script php artisan optimize handling the post-install-cmd event returned with an error

Any pointers or ideas?

Last updated 2 years ago.

That sounds like the problem isn't Artisan but a problem with your project. Artisan loads your project on the command line, if there's an error anywhere in your project then it will fail. Routes, controllers, models, problems there can cause this sort of behaviour. Does your project work via the web?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Check the logs (/app/storage/logs) or turn debug on in /app/config/app.php to see if you can get anything more helpful

Last updated 2 years ago.

Maybe your mcrpyt installation has gone faulty? Check your modules with php -m and try re installing mcrypt. Happened to me once.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi guys, thanks for your replies.

Yeah, I checked the mcrypt extension – no problems there. Also the logs (which where empty). Everything was really weird.

However, somehow it managed to work out with upgrading Laravel (I was on the 4.0.* branch) and work through the 4.0 > 4.1 guide.

Took me quite some while, and it is rather disturbing to not know what caused it in the first place =/

Last updated 2 years ago.

I got this error when uploading to shared hosting. So I installed laravel again there using "softlinks" in cPanel. And replace, routes, controller and model. Now It is working fine.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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