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Last updated 2 years ago.

First time through I missed this post...

which referenced this solution on

So here is where I am now...

$keyword = Input::get('keyword');

$lessons = Lesson::whereHas('tags', function($query) use ($keyword)
    $query->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%");
})->orWhere('short_desc', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")
  ->orWhere('long_desc', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")

(sorry for the funky formatting. It seems the code block doesn't like double quotes like this)

This returns all lessons where the short_desc, long_desc, and contain $keyword. But how would I further constrain this? eg. lessons.status = 'published'. I've tried placing `->where('status', 'published') at various points in the query to no avail.

Thanks again for any assistance.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I haven't made any progress on this. Anyone have an idea?

Last updated 2 years ago.

whereStatus('published') or where('status', '=', 'published')

you forgot the comparison operator '='.

Last updated 2 years ago.

The operator is not required when the operator is '='. The query above returns results, but the nested query on tags returns all lessons regardless of status, even when I include where('status', 'published'). The challenge is how to only return published results.


Last updated 2 years ago.

$keyword = Input::get('keyword');

$lessons = Lesson::with('tags')->where('status', '=', 'published')
				->whereHas('tags', function($query) use ($keyword) {
    				$query->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%");
				->orWhere('short_desc', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")
  				->orWhere('long_desc', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi zenry,

Thanks for this, and it is something I tried. Unfortunately, the 'published' constraint is not applied to the nested query. It returns ALL lessons that have a tag with the keyword in it. Is there a way to constrain the nested query as well?


Last updated 2 years ago.

Throwing this back out there. I've been unable to find a solution. Thanks in advance.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Eager loading won't work here as it runs 2 separate queries, so you need simple joins like this:

Lesson::join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')
	// if you need to retrieve all the tags for each lesson too then uncomment this:
	// ->with('tags')

This way you load Collection of Lesson models that match your search (or with related tags).

Last updated 2 years ago.

You are my hero, sir. Thank you!!! So how would I further refine this to return only lessons with a status of 'published'? status is a column in the lessons table. So far I've tried...

	->join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')
Lesson::join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')
        ->where('lessons.status', 'published')
Lesson::join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')
        ->where(function($q) {
    	      $q->where('lessons.status', 'published');

It seems the 'status' constraint is ignored in the results, or rather not being applied in the join.

Thanks for your assistance.

Last updated 2 years ago.

edit: Well I must be tired as it's midnight where I live... Use having() as it is what you want (BUT less efficient than the 2nd solution):

Lesson::join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')

Straightforward solution is to make pairs where status=published AND desc like XXX or status=published AND ... Obviously repeating whereStatus('published') is not the best way to do this, so I suggest you use a scope for this:

// Lesson model
public function scopePublished($query)

Then your query would look like this:

Lesson::join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')

Still this is a bit cumbersome, so maybe you'd like to extract it by creating a view in your db returning only published lessons etc.

Last updated 2 years ago.

2nd solution worked brilliantly. I'm ok with cumbersome at this point. I'll work on refine it down the road. Thanks!!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Digging a little deeper on this. Right now we are returning results based on 3 constraints against lessons.short_desc, lessons.long_desc, and If the user were to click on a tag name to further filter the results, how could you return the search results further constrained by the tag id? I tried further constraining scopePublished() to...

public function scopeTagPublished($query, $tag)
	$query->with(['tags' => function($q) use ($tag)

and I have replaced all instances of published() with tagPublished()...

public function scopeTagSearch($query, $search, $tag)
	return $query->join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')

But this is still returning results from other tag id's. I am probably way over-complicating things. Any thoughts?

Last updated 2 years ago.

This is trivial unless you want something different to what you say :)

// tag id given so we need only lessons with desc like ... and where tag id = $tagId

return $query->join('lesson_tag', '','=','lesson_tag.lesson_id')
Last updated 2 years ago.

This was still returning lessons where short and long desc were like $search, regardless of tag id. So I am filtering the results on tag id...

$filtered = $lessons->filter(function($lesson) use ($tag)
				foreach($lesson->tags as $item) {
					if ($item->id == $tag) return true;

This works but we'll have to see how it scales as the result set grows over time. Shouldn't be too much of a peformance issue.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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