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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

You should use:


Use GET only when you want to retrieve only one parameter like:

Last updated 9 years ago.

I've tried that as well, nothing's working. I created this function a while ago and it was successfully receiving the callbacks. I was just testing some functionality and realized it stopped working. Which ever way I try to use for reading the get parameters, I only end up with the uri segments.

I tried replacing the '?' with '/' (the url will look like this in that case and I get array(2) { ["/main/my-function/name"]=> string(4) "test " ["action"]=> string(4) "open". There must be a way to enable the question mark in the url..

Last updated 9 years ago.

In case anyone else has the same problem, try checking your .htaccess file. This is the default My .htaccess file was changed and that's why all query strings stopped working. After getting it back to the default. everything worked perfectly.

I've been googling this for hours and couldn't find anything related. One tip: use the IRC channel(, you will definitely find your answer there.



I just signed up here to let you know that you saved my life :) I've been having this problem since 3 hours and had no clue how it all started or how to fix it. As it turns out, the .htaccess was the problem. Thanks for reporting back your solution. A good deed goes a long way. Your reply from 2 years ago, just saved me probably many hours of frustration. Thanks ;)

TheCady28 said:

In case anyone else has the same problem, try checking your .htaccess file. This is the default My .htaccess file was changed and that's why all query strings stopped working. After getting it back to the default. everything worked perfectly.

I've been googling this for hours and couldn't find anything related. One tip: use the IRC channel(, you will definitely find your answer there.



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