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Authentication Requests Security
Last updated 2 years ago.


answering my own question: First for the part 2:

  • I create a new route outside middleware "auth:api': Route::post('/login', 'Auth\LoginController@apiLogin');

  • Then, in my apiLogin I modified the request and made the changes that I would like:

     function apiLogin(Request $request) {
         $tokenRequest = $request->create('/oauth/token', 'POST', $request->all());
            "client_id"     => 'your_client_id',
            "client_secret" => 'your_client_secret',
            "grant_type"    => 'password',
            "code"          => '*',
         $response = Route::dispatch($tokenRequest);
         $json = (array) json_decode($response->getContent());
         $json['new_value'] = '123456';
         return $response

and then, I'm able to send more contents with the original json

For part 3:

  • I create a new route, INSIDE of the middleware "auth:api' (Please, not that even the controller is different, once that teh LoginController don't have constructor and the API controller does have the constructor with the mddleware: 'Route::post('login/pwdchange', 'ApiController@changePassword');'

  • Now, the client will need to send the original access_token with the old password and the new password. After I validate then, I change the password and also create a new token (I'm revoking any possible token after I change the password which will then force everybody to do a new login).

     function changePassword(Request $request) {
         $data = $request->all();
         $user = Auth::guard('api')->user();
         //Changing the password only if is different of null
         if( isset($data['oldPassword']) && !empty($data['oldPassword']) && $data['oldPassword'] !== "" && $data['oldPassword'] !=='undefined') {
             //checking the old password first
             $check  = Auth::guard('web')->attempt([
                 'username' => $user->username,
                 'password' => $data['oldPassword']
             if($check && isset($data['newPassword']) && !empty($data['newPassword']) && $data['newPassword'] !== "" && $data['newPassword'] !=='undefined') {
                 $user->password = bcrypt($data['newPassword']);
                 $user->isFirstTime = false; //variable created by me to know if is the dummy password or generated by user.
                 $token = $user->createToken('newToken')->accessToken;
                 //Changing the type
                 return json_encode(array('token' => $token)); //sending the new token
             else {
                 return "Wrong password information";
         return "Wrong password information";

Aparently is working fine. I hope that it helps someone.

Last updated 7 years ago.

That's helps me a lot, thanks


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joaosauer joaosauer Joined 15 Mar 2017


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