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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

you can also create an 'after' filter and simply redirect the user

Route::group(['before' => 'auth], function () {
    Route::group(['after' => 'HR'], function () {
Last updated 2 years ago.

better would be to handle the redirection in


because the URI is the same e.g. '/dashboard' so there is no way for a user to land on the wrong dashboard

Last updated 2 years ago.

zenry : The after filter doesn't work! and you can guess I have lots of methods in each controller. SO resolving them to a single DashboardController would not work as different user types have completely different views and functionality. I just want them to see that they are at /dashboard.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Joker666 said:

zenry : The after filter doesn't work! and you can guess I have lots of methods in each controller. SO resolving them to a single DashboardController would not work as different user types have completely different views and functionality. I just want them to see that they are at /dashboard.

yes, I forgot the after filter is done after the request

does this work?

Route::filter('userType', function() {
		case 'MD':
			Session::put('user.dashboard', 'MDProfileController@index');
		case 'DME':
			Session::put('user.dashboard', 'DMEController@index');

Route::group(['before' => 'auth|userType'], function() {

	Route::get('dashboard', [
		'as'   => 'dashboard',
		'uses' => Session::get('user.dashboard', 'FallbackController@dashboad')

Last updated 2 years ago.

It doesn't work at the first attempt. Goes to the fallbackcontroller. but when I reload it takes me to the desired controller's view. How to solve that?

And bigger question is even if i solved it using filter like this. it redirects me to the index of the controllers, but I have other methods(not put in the code because it will get bigger), how to do that. Using all the routing logic in the filter is bad coding I guess.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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