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Input Eloquent Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

You could just do this:

if ( Input::get( 'featured' ) == 'yes' )
	$annonce->featured = Input::get( 'featured' );

And save you from repeating everything.

edit: Won't Input::get( 'featured' ) give a null response for an unchecked checkbox anyway? You could just keep it in there and not even bother with the if statement.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hey Chris,

Thanks! Worked perfectly what you suggested.

On a sidenote I tried what you suggested in your edit, however I got an error telling me that it could indeed not be null, so I guess the if statement is needed.

Last updated 2 years ago.

if you really want to clean up your controllers you should move that entire part into a repository, controllers should not have business logic in them in my opinion.

your controller would look like this


use Dummy\Repositories\Contracts\AnnonceRepositoryInterface;

class DummyController extends Controller {

    public function __construct(AnnonceRepositoryInterface $annonce)
        $this->annonce = $annonce;

    public function create()
        return View::make('annonce.create');

    public function store()
        return ($annonce = $this->annonce->save(Input::all())) ?

                ->with('message', trans('', compact('annonce'))) :


Last updated 2 years ago.

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