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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

State what you expect and what you already tried

Last updated 2 years ago.

Although I moved onto something else at that time, I really do need to make this working now; has anyone faced this problem and found how to do it?

jarektkaczyk said:

State what you expect and what you already tried

I just want to know how I have to declare this on my Model files and how to use it (find(), save(), ...).


Last updated 2 years ago.

Alright, I have this working.

There a two approaches here. The first is easy: Make the pivot table a regular table with a model and use easy belongsTo and hasOne relationships. But that's no fun (and it falls apart when you want to use it like a pivot table, as you then have to deal with hasManyThrough relations... -.-).

So, we'll do a three-way and use withPivot and wherePivot to access the third wheel on each relation:

In the Currency model:

public function land_fee_types()
    return $this->belongsToMany('LandFeeType', 'currencies_land_fee_types_versions')->withPivot('version_id');

public function versions()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Version', 'currencies_land_fee_types_versions')->withPivot('land_fee_type_id');

In the LandFeeType model:

public function currencies()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Currency', 'currencies_land_fee_types_versions')->withPivot('version_id');

public function versions()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Version', 'currencies_land_fee_types_versions')->withPivot('currency_id');

And in the Version model:

public function currencies()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Currency', 'currencies_land_fee_types_versions')->withPivot('land_fee_type_id');

public function land_fee_types()
    return $this->belongsToMany('LandFeeType', 'currencies_land_fee_types_versions')->withPivot('currency_id');

No that we have this setup, we can query it:

$currencies = Currency::all()->land_fee_types()->wherePivot('version_id', 3)->get();

By doing this, each object in $currencies now has a pivot object that includes the pivot data:

$first_version_id = $currencies->first()->pivot->version_id;

Hope this helps! ;)

Last updated 10 years ago.

First of all, thanks for your lenghtly reply! Secondly, I gave up on this and I just used the first option you described, as your second option is way too "hacky" I think and not 100% trustable in terms of results (I already have the 'value' field as a pivot), but thanks for mentionning it!



@sisou, your question should be cast in stone! I was looking for this for centuries :D What about, if we had 4(,5,6,...) columns?

Last updated 9 years ago.

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