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Last updated 2 years ago.

What exactly are you having problems with?

I don't know how far you've gotten but I would:

Setup the needed functions to generate the needed data for a directory in your model. Send this data to a view to display with a blade template.

I don't think there is much more than that to it (of course it sounds so easy in 2 sentences, though!).

Last updated 2 years ago.


I need to allow users to click on, for example, a directory name and have the contents returned to them - at the top level this is working (using directoryiterator), I run into problems however when visiting nested directories.

Forgive me, I'm learning as I go here, but can you create a model to represent directory information - I've only used models in the past to represent database content.

Thanks for the response..

Last updated 2 years ago.

Might be helpful if I provide more detail about the route setup and controller:


Route::get('/{dir}, 'DirController@getDirContents');


public function getDirContents( $dir = NULL ) {
    $toplevelpath = '/home/webs/sampleproject/webroot/public/resource';

    if ( is_null($dir) ) {
        $pathtoindex = $toplevelpath;    
    } else {
        $pathtoindex = $toplevelpath.'/'.dir;
   $files = new directoryIterator($pathtoindex);

    return View::make('dirlisting')
        ->with('files', $files);
Last updated 2 years ago.

So the model would be something like this:

class Directory {
    private $base_dir;
    private $current_dir;

    public function getListing() {
        return new DirectoryIterator( $this->current_dir );

    public function changeDirectory( $path ) {
        //Check path is in $current_dir
        //If it is, and permitted
        $this->current_dir = $path;

        //Return true on change or false if not
        return $changed_dir;

Then your routes would be something like this:

Route::get( '/', 'DirController@getDirContents' );
Route::get( '/change/{dir}', 'DirController@getDirChange' );

Controller would have:

public function getDirContent() {
    $files = Directory::getListing();

    return View::make( 'dirlisting' )->with( 'files', $files );

public function getDirChange( $path ) {
    $success = Directory::changeDirectory( $path );

    //Get listing whether directory changed or not
    $files = Directory::getListing();

    return View::make( 'dirlisting' )->with( array( 'files' => $files, 'success' => $success );

Just getting back into Laravel, hope that generally works.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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